Monday, March 7, 2011

Spotlight on Steve Loukas

Steve has been doing improv comedy since birth (although only his later works have been recognized as such, early works such as 'I did not steal that Care Bears tooth brush from the grocery store' were not as well received). In February of 2007 he joined Rodents of Unusual Size. In September of 2008 he started The Wigs. He has also done guest performances with Monkey's Uncle, Mile Hi-Larity, as well as some improv showcases including GroupMind's Improv Combo Platter and The Avenue's Game Season. Steve also collaborates with Heather Clisby to put on an annual fundraiser Smile Train. 2011 will be their 4th year, and to date (with the generous help of many Denver improv-ers) they have raised enough money for over 20 surgeries.

How were you first introduced to improvisation?

A friend of mine had been inviting me to her improv shows for a while, and I finally got around to it. I just remember sitting in the audience thinking Man I'd LOVE to do this! So after the show I asked if they were auditioning. I joined the group and thus began the relationship between me and improv comedy.

What type of comedy did you enjoy growing up?

I was absolutely in love with sketch comedy growing up. I'd sneak out to the living room to watch SNL as kid with a 10pm bed time. And in 6th grade I started "The Rubber Chicken Show" a captivating, home-made sketch show chocked full of jokes that only middle-schoolers could find amusing. That lasted through high school (as we were very dedicated).

How did The Wigs form?

After almost two years with the improv group that took me in off the street, I began to have a new vision for an improv show. So I held some auditions, found some players, and started The Wigs, with a mission to have a united group with the common goal: Quality Entertainment.

What should people expect at a Wigs show?

Our audiences can look forward to some over-the-top, outrageous improv comedy. We love to work outside the box and incorporate as many new ideas into each show as we can (tastefully). The Wigs has anywhere from 7-9 members at any given time, so each game you see has a different mix of players. We also give out raffle prizes and pies. Our #1 goal is to make sure our audience has a great experience!

In addition to performing , you also help the Avenue Theater with their Wednesday Night Comedy series. What has been your experience with helping run that program?

The Avenue is a great venue; I've been performing there for four years. Running the Wednesday Night Comedy series has been a blast. Having started a group from scratch and having to search painstakingly for venues, I get a chance to give back to new/searching groups. It also connects me to much more of the improv community, which I really appreciate.

What is the most rewarding thing about improv comedy for you?

Initially, I just liked being laughed at. But improv has given me a great opportunity to help people. Either providing a group for people to grow and perform in, a venue to showcase themselves, or getting people inspired to give improv a try. It's been amazing how improv has given me and many others a great outlet to explore our imaginations and share our minds with each other and with the city of Denver!

1 comment:

  1. Steve and I joined ROUS together and I'm so impressed at his high-speed evolution as a comedian. He is too humble to mention this but he's also an outstanding leader in the improv world and also works part-time as my comedy husband.
